Global Warming... Fake or Real?

Is global warming a true event or one just concocted by the media to scare the living crap out of everyone?
Some say global warming is going to cause a worldwide economic collapse, destroy agriculture, reduce wildlife, impact our ecosystem, and may even lead to human extinction. Others say it's not real at all and that there isn't any evidence of global warming what-so-ever.
What if the truth lies somewhere in between? What if we're definitely experiencing a rise in temperature, but it's not as dire as the mainstream has us thinking?
What if it's overblown by the media and misrepresented to you and me? Or, it's simply misunderstood altogether? What if humans are contributing to the effect, but it's also a cyclical event and has happened countless times in history--with or without humans?

Let's do some research and study the EPICA ice core sample for a moment, which is an ice core sample showing the last 800,000 years of temperature and CO2 emissions on planet Earth. There are other ice core samples to gather data from, such as the IPCC 650,000-year ice core sample and the CDIAC 400,000-year ice core sample, but let's dive into the one that shows the largest date range.

Give or take a few thousand years, we have an average Ice Age period that lasts roughly a 100,000 years. We then have an interglacial (warming) period that lasts about 13,000 to 16,000 years, give or take a thousand years or so. Directly after that Interglacial (warming) Age, we go right into an Ice Age for roughly another 100,000 years followed by another Interglacial Age for 14,000 to 16,000 years. Keep in mind, there is a transition period between each age, sometimes lasting 6,000 years or 10,000 years. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter.
The Greenland ice core samples, although not as far back in date, reach the same conclusions, especially with CO2 spikes and falls.
This pattern repeats over and over throughout Earth's history.
Right now, we're in the last stages of an Interglacial Age. So it seems.
When you look at the EPICA ice core sample, you'll see that there have been warmer times in the past right before a slow descent into an ice age. There have also been colder times before a slow descent into an ice age. For whatever reason, whether it be greenhouse gasses or the natural rhythms of the Earth, there seems to be a spike in heat just before a transition into an Ice Age.
So, what occurs during this process?
Science has found that 12,500 years ago our water levels rose 300-400 feet across the entire globe. When you look at the ice core samples, you'll see that 12,500 years ago was also the time when another Interglacial (warming) Age began. Things heated up, the water levels rose, and the planet's water to land ratio changed, becoming more water--which happens during an Interglacial Age. A majority of the planet's polar caps melted and the ice caps and glaciers receded.
They are still melting, though perhaps a little faster compared to the last one-hundred years.
*Side note: If Atlantis was indeed real, this could be the cause of it's sinking. Plato gave a date for Atlantis's deluge and that date correlates with the beginning of our most current Interglacial Age, which again, was 12,500 years ago.

Now, in this current Interglacial Age, the waters are rising again as the world heats up even more. If it's because of factory farming (the biggest contributor to CO2 and methane gasses) or fossil fuels, and/or deforestation, then we are probably speeding up this global warming trend. If so, some people think that green technologies could replace our current energy systems to ease us into the next age. On the other hand, since we continue to use fossil fuels, many feel we may be hastening the Earth's warming process and it will only hasten more.
And, as the stats show from the EPICA ice core sample and the many other ice core samples we have out there, the global warming spike is ahead of schedule this time around.
As the waters continue to rise in this day and age, the land will continue to erode, and the coastal regions throughout the world will drastically change. People will have to move more inland.
Once the warm spike fades, just like it has countless times in the past, we'll start to descend into an Ice Age. The water to land ratio will be at a point that the moon's gravitational pull to water (high tides, low tides) will, and has many times in the past, tilt the Earth a certain amount of degrees, ushering in an ice building mode.
And as many times in the past, our elliptical arc around the sun will change by a slight degree.
The waters will recede 400 to 600 feet during the Ice Age, and 100,000 years of a colder temperature will begin.
It's like clockwork. It happens time and time again.

We've been taught that the Ice Age would kill almost everyone, but that's the movies. In my opinion, it's not true. When an Ice Age occurs, the polar ice caps form, coating the upper and lower portions of our planet in thick, dense ice. Populations then move to warmer environments, anywhere below Wyoming and above Chili. The equatorial regions are always fine and dandy, although not as warm as they were during an Interglacial Age.
So, are we doomed?
I highly doubt it.
Maybe an Ice Age is something to embrace. With each Ice Age, the waters recede near the equator, leaving us with more beautiful, rich land to thrive on. It's an incredible time of discovery.
So, here's my two cents. If it weren't for deforestation, factory farms, and fossil fuels, and if we allowed green energy, such as Tesla free energy, solar power, and Keshe split compositors and plasma batteries, then we'd go through this transition in a more natural way.

Or, I'm wrong and the ice core samples are bogus. And trust me, I've been wrong many times before.
Nonetheless, one thing is for sure, the Earth is changing, magnetic north is moving 200 feet per year, and regardless of what the media says, there is more kindness and philanthropists in the world than ever before (sorry, had to add that last part).
This is all in my humble opinion and research. Take a look at the British Antarctic Survey. It will give you a good deal more knowledge than I ever could.
Thank you for reading,
Brandon Ellis