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Our Ancient Sci-Fi Past - Truth or Fiction?

Were Pyramids More Advanced than we are Being Told?

We've been taught that we are the most technologically advanced culture EVER to live on the face of the Earth. The media, the history books, the Egyptologists, and a majority of the experts would have you believe so. But what if we're not? According to the myths and books, like the Bhagavad Gita, the Sumerian Tablets, the Ancient Egyptian Steles, Hopi tradition, stories from the Dogon Tribe in Africa, and I could go on and on, our current technology dwarfs the Ancient's weaponry, flying vehicles, and illumination. Why do most people believe we are the most advanced culture? Because we are told we are, and in such a case, we aren't actively looking for proof that we aren't.

You ask, "Well, then, where is the proof?"

I'll show you one such proof below, but first... Let me put you through a little scenario as to why it's hard to see "proof" today: Imagine if everyone suddenly vanished from the face of the Earth. Where would all of our technology go? The planes; the computers; the cars; the vacuum cleaners? I'll tell you where. It would turn into dust within 200 to 1000 years. Plastics dissolve between 450 - 1000 years. Cars would rust into dirt and dust in 100 - 300 years. Weapons would do the same. And cities would crumble and fall, turning into the soil it stood upon within 200 years, but before they'd erode and break apart, they'd be completely overrun by nature in 50 to 100 years.

The only living records of our existence would be anything that was created out of rock -- such as limestone and granite. Which is where my "proof" of a more advanced civilization comes into play because "the proof is in the pudding" as they say.

Look at the pyramids and the ancient statues. The statues, for example, can only be mimicked in today's world using laser technology. Look at the pyramid's construction, their design, then look at our lack of ability to create the pyramids even with today's technology. In the 1970's, the Japanese tried to replicate the pyramids. They went about building a pyramid in Egypt by copying the Egyptologists and historians methods by which they claim are the same methods the Ancient Egyptians used.

It didn't go quite as planned. The Japanese began quarrying 2.5-ton limestones 500 miles away from the Pyramids of Giza and used copper tools to do so. It took thirteen hours to cut three centimeters using the most advanced techniques they could think of with copper tools. So, they ditched that idea. What did they replace the copper tools with?


The Egyptologists claim that the Ancients transported the large blocks via barges on the Nile. That sounded simple enough, so the Japanese built barges and began transporting the 2.5 ton rocks.

All the barges capsized. In came the helicopters. They hooked the blocks to the choppers and flew them to the construction zone. The ending result? They couldn't build the pyramid with the same technology the mainstream historians are positive the Ancient Egyptians used. They had to use more advanced technology, and they couldn't identically replicate an ancient pyramid even with the technology the Japanese had. They were only able to build a pyramid the fraction of the size. And it took them years to complete the project. I know. I know. That's not good enough. The Japanese didn't have 20,000 slaves, hundreds of pulleys, and countless man hours required to pull off what the Ancients pulled off...all over the world.

So lets go back in time. The first heavy lifting pulley system was created in Syracuse thousands of years after the Egyptian pyramids were actually built. Yet the Egyptologists claim that the Ancients used pulley systems. How? Heavy pulley systems hadn't been invented yet. Furthermore, the average crane in today's world can lift 18 tons. What was the weight for several pyramid blocks and statues in and around the pyramids? 500 to 1200 tons.

And imagine this? With that weight, with that tonnage being pulled, pushed, and aligned, the pyramids, structures, and statues were built within 1/100th of an inch perfection. No other building on Earth is even close.

But we say the slaves created the pyramids, and if it wasn't the slaves, it was 20,000+ volunteers.

These volunteers not only had to be much stronger than most body-builders alive today in order to work tireless hours in ridiculous heat for upwards of twenty years, constantly moving rock tonnage, but they had to also be engineer geniuses, because within the pyramids are perfect Pythagorean triangles and Fibonacci Sequences. Oh, yeah. They were also incredible astronomers and math majors, garnering their degrees from some Ancient Egyptian University. Because don't forget, the Pyramids of Giza are perfectly aligned with todays Orion's Belt, meaning they built the Pyramids of Giza before Orion's Belt was in the placement of the stars as it is now.

Wait. Reverse. That should be a double take. The Ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids of Giza before Orion's Belt was in the placement of the stars as it is now?

Somehow, these Ancient's had advanced astronomical maps of the stars that would have had to be plotted over a period of 12,000 years to match up with each constellation in order to do what they did with the alignment of today's Orion's Belt.


Because, according to the years that the historians and Egyptologists began and ended the pyramid construction, they were not in the same constellation age as we are now. Well, what does that mean?

We know that every 2,000 years, we have a completely different star arrangement in our night skies. The night sky when the pyramids were built were not the same night sky as we have above us right now. Unless the pyramids are older. But that's a whole different discussion.

Okay, moving on. The 20,000+ volunteers and/or slaves were also experts in structural integrity. They built structures that withstand the sands, the rains, the floods, the major earthquakes, the storms, and the age of time. If it weren't for the robbers stealing the white casing around the pyramids during the last several hundred years, these buildings would look like incredible and beautiful masterpieces.

Hell, each block was cut so well and so even, that sliding a piece of paper between them is impossible.

Let's look at another masterpiece: the 500 to 1200 ton statues that stand inside and outside of Giza. These are so expertly chiseled that taking a photograph of the face of a statue and reversing that same image and placing that reversed image on top of the regular, unreversed image, results in an identical match.


The left side is 100% identical to the right side. In today's age, only laser technology can carve with such precision.

Back to the pyramids and their raw, incredible power. Somehow, the Ancients knew that a pyramid structure was a gravity lens, and with that knowledge, they used pyramids as gravity lenses themselves, creating unimaginable amounts of electricity. The pyramids were bonafide power plants. Each pyramid creates an aquifer, drawing water underneath each pyramid by the pull of the moon. It's a "gravity thing". Just above the aquifers are insulated tunnels in each pyramid and these tunnels are built out of an entirely different limestone than the rest of the pyramid -- dolomite limestone.

This dolomite limestone is only found on the inner bowels of a pyramid. Dolomite is one of the most electrically conductive limestones on earth. Why is this important and why did the Ancients use this stone instead of the limestone they used on the outer pyramid? Because the pyramids were never created for pharaohs or for burial chambers (as no mummy has ever been found in the King or Queens Chamber, and both chambers were unopened before scientists and archaeologists came upon them).

With the discovery of broken copper pins, handles, and rods embedded in the tunnels, walls, and chambers, and with the flow of water via aquifers, and the radioactivity of the granite in the tunnels and chambers, along with the electrical charge of dolomite limestone, we have ourselves a giant power plant, creating currents of electricity at all times -- morning, noon, and night.

This is a feat that goes beyond our current explanation of who the Ancient pyramid builders were and what their knowledge of physics, engineering, and mathematics was. They did things that we still can't. Additionally, with the pyramids being gravitational lenses, we see that a pyramid raises the land it sits upon and raises the land almost exactly 180 degrees on the same latitude on the other side of the earth as well, for example, the Giza pyramids and the Hawaiian Kilauea volcano; Shen pyramids and two extinct supra calderas that make up the Bermuda Island; Pyramid of the Sun and Sri Lanka’s Mount Sigiriya volcano. This is what we call "observable evidence", meaning, you can actually see the evidence with your own eyes. A pyramid literally pulls up the land it sits upon via the gravity pull with the moon and does the same on the other side of the earth in the form of mountains and volcanoes, usually creating release valves for Earth's magma and tectonic plates. In a way, it's a terraforming effect.

It isn't a coincidence that the small land mass that makes up Central America has the highest number of pyramids per square mile for multiple reasons. One, is to keep the thin slice of land in place for the express reason of separating the Atlantic ocean conveyor and the Pacific ocean conveyor. If there was ever a failure of this thin peninsula of land that makes up Central America, the gulf stream that sends warm water up to northern Europe would crash and Europe would descend into an ice age over night. Two, the three hundred plus pyramids in Central America creates -- at 180 degrees on the other side of those pyramids, on the approximate same latitude -- the largest subduction zone on earth; the Sumatra subduction zone. This large group of Central American pyramids keep the Sumatra subduction zone soft and malleable, thus preventing a build up of energy between the two plates. In a way, pyramids are a technology that makes the world a less hazardous place to live. Even though we have plenty of Earth changes, like tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes, and Earthquakes, it is opined that Earth changes would be worse if the pyramids had never been created. And, if you don't believe one iota of the above, then it's quite the feat that our Ancient pyramid builders were able to build exactly opposite of volcanos, calderas, and mountains, again, by using advanced mapping systems. Or, it was incredible guessing on their part, and/or it was an incredible coincidence. As you can tell, I think it's more than just a guess. This ancient pyramid and ancient statue technology goes beyond our current thoughts and theories of the Ancient's sciences, building techniques, and mapping systems. Unless you prescribe to what the the Sumerian Tablets and the Ancient Egyptian Steles say about our ancient, more advanced technological past, then you will probably think what I've just written is hogwash. Nonetheless, please open your mind for even just a few minutes for the sake of being open, because if you ask an Egyptologist (who has never built a building in his/her life) how the Ancient's built pyramids, they will tell you that Ancients did it by means of slaves, pulleys, and sheer strength and numbers. And by using copper tools. If you ask an engineer how the Ancient's built the pyramids, and once they've studied a pyramid, they -- in most cases -- will tell you that with the current technology that we have today, it can't be done.

Thank you for reading, Brandon Ellis

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