Underrated Classics: Farscape
Underrated Sci-Fi shows: Farscape Honestly, when I started watching this show, I didn’t think I’d make it through the first five...

Underrated Classics: Shadowrun
Most people credit The Matrix with popularizing the idea of cyberspace, and it's an easy mistake to make. Comparatively few people are...

Fox Killed Firefly
Firefly was in its own genre. Yeah, you could call it Space Opera. You could even call it Sci-Fi Exploration. But at that time, nothing,...

Adapting to Comics with Richard Fox
Late last year, fellow sci fi writer Jon Del Arroz approached me about adapting my Ember War novel into a comic book. He’d picked up one...

Rey Is a Failed Hero
When it comes to heroes in literature, they have something in common: a journey. Here are the broad strokes of the Heroes Journey: 1....

Sci-Fi shows that got canceled too soon: Dark Matter.
Following my friend Chris Fox’s excellent article about underrated classics, I hesitated between writing a follow-up piece about Farscape...

Underrated Classics: Babylon 5
This week kicks off my brand new column: Underrated Classics. My fellow authors and I will be reviewing gems that you might not have...

Our Ancient Sci-Fi Past - Truth or Fiction?
Were Pyramids More Advanced than we are Being Told? We've been taught that we are the most technologically advanced culture EVER to live...

Give Us More Shows Like The Orville and Kill Star Trek Discovery While You’re at it.
The title says it all. I’m going to make this short and sweet, we want character driven stories that pull emotions from our black hearts....

Star Wars Isn’t Space Fantasy - Here's Why
We have genres for a reason, and the people arguing that Star Wars = fantasy are muddying them.