Global Warming... Fake or Real?
Is global warming a true event or one just concocted by the media to scare the living crap out of everyone? Some say global warming is...

To Captain Marvel or Not to Captain Marvel
I went into see Marvel's latest installment in their series with an open mind. I'd score it a B- in the Marvel Universe not making my top...

Will Robots Eliminate Your Job?
The Automation Revolution is coming. Artificial Intelligence and robots have already changed the way the world works, and in the last...

What Star Wars The Last Jedi Could Have Been
Lots of people had extreme reactions when they stepped out of the theater after seeing The Last Jedi. Quite a few people loved it, but a...

Mary Sue characters are not strong characters.
Dear Hollywood, Let me get right to the point: You need to stop. You think you’re doing something good and just, but you’re being lazy,...

Hello There
I’m Jason Anspach, co-creator of Galaxy’s Edge and the newest member of Sci-fi Reads. Being part of this group is exciting not only...

To Be or Not to Be...a Professional Starcraft Player?
Believe it or not, there was a time in my life when "Full-Time Fiction Writer" and "Professional Starcraft Player" seemed like equally...

The Black Knight Satellite
It all started with a scare that turned more real than the United States government could have imagined. On August 23, 1954, Aviation...

Will Star Trek: Discovery Grow Into Its Name?
Two things got me into science fiction from an early age. The first was the Apollo moon landing. One of my earliest memories is watching...

Sci-Fi Book to Video Game
For years I’ve written novels with the Holy Grail being able to turn my stories into a video game or film franchise. Three months ago I...