The Expanse: Why We Need Science Fiction More Than Ever
Over the last couple of months, I’ve been bingeing The Expanse on Amazon Prime, and I’m nearly done with the fourth season. Soon, I’ll...

The Mandalorian – Season 2 Trailer
Where to start? I’ll keep this short because images speak louder than words. But, here is what I have to say: When a two-minute trailer...

Will We Be Chipped?
It is really hard to go online these days and not run into some crazy conspiracy theory, the most absurd of which is that a Covid-19...

The Hobbits of the Island of Flores
It's true. J. R. R. Tolkien wrote about a race that existed nearly eighteen-thousand-years ago. But did Tolkien know he wrote about a...

The Future of Content Consumption
This is not a COVID-19 piece. This is not a political piece. There are plenty of places to go for news. All I’m trying to do here is open...

Why are so many Science Fiction properties disappointing now?
I remember seeing Empire Strikes Back at the Drive-In, and Return of the Jedi in the theaters. I camped out for Episode 1. I caught...

Could Different Media Save Star Wars?
Let’s not beat around the bush here, the third trilogy brought forth by Disney has been a massive disappointment for most of us. I’m sure...

Science Fiction is Becoming Reality
Watching SpaceX’s historic astronaut launch filled me with unexpected emotion. As a sci-fi writer, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by...

Space Force and the New Space Race
I’ve been binging the new Netflix comedy, Space Force, lately. The show is hilarious and a welcome distraction during these crazy times....

ET Made or Incredible Human Engineering Feat?
In Cappadocia in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey sits one of the biggest wonders of the world, the underground city of Derinkuyu....